We are four Christian people who have come across death in its many forms and have cared for people who are dying.

Philip Giddings

Philip Giddings has been widowed twice; his first wife died from cancer and his second wife died suddenly without warning. He retired as Head of the School of Politics and International Relationships at Reading University in 2011. He was an active member of the Church of England General Synod.

Martin Down

Martin Down is an Anglican priest who has served in country parishes. He has also written The Christian Hope: a guide to life after death.

Elaine Sugden

Elaine Sugden is a retired cancer consultant, who has treated many people dying from cancer, and in particular children. She worked in Leeds, India and Oxford. She has also written Caring for People with Cancer.

Gareth Tuckwell

Gareth Tuckwell has been involved in the work of hospices for many years as medical director. He has been a regional director and trustee of Macmillan Cancer Support.

We welcome feedback from those who are using this site, as well as contributions and testimonies that could be posted as an encouragement to other readers.

Please contact us on info@talkingaboutdying.org