Queen praises hospices but says she ‘can’t believe there are so few’.
Terminal cancer patient raises funds for local hospice “which helps people find a peaceful end”
Obituary of Dr Robert Twycross
A tribute to Dr Robert Twycross
Better social care means better stewardship, says Sir Andrew Dilnot
An Islamic Medical Response regarding Care at the end of Life
Better end-of-life care can relieve pressure on the NHS
Canada’s assisted death rush is a grim warning
Free Webinar on Palliative Care 4/9/2024 at 1300 GMT
How you could miss out on life-saving treatment if the law on assisted dying changes
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Online Conference 30/9 - 10/1 2024
Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance Newsletter
A gentle passing
The In-Between: unforgettable encounters during life’s final moments
Cicely Saunders - pioneer of the modern day hospice movement.
It is wonderfully inspiring when someone finds the time, energy, wisdom and inspiration to bring about a change that helps so many in crisis.
Dame Cicely Saunders had a young close friend dying of cancer and was very distressed by all he was going through. She determined to draw on her nursing and social care experience to set up places to train staff to care for those, like her friend, for whom there was no cure or helpful treatment, and who were facing potentially increasing pain of body, mind and spirit.
As a result, St Christopher’s Hospice was founded.
Death-the great leveller? Dr Helen Salisbury
100,000 people who could benefit from palliative care die without receiving it. There’s a clear socio economic gradient to this.
Spiritual Care at the end of life: The Chaplain as a ‘Hopeful Presence’ by Steve Nolan
How to have a ‘good death’ like Deborah James
Going for Gold - what is ‘Gold Standard end of life Care’?
How often do we hear that a person’s loved one had a ‘bad death’ with traumatic crises,lack of communication or poor support? What can we do to ensure this doesn’t happen to you or your loved one?