COVID-19: Where is God in all this?
Three senior doctors and two senior clergy have contributed to COVID-19: Where is God in all this? published this month by Grove Booklet on Ethics for £3.95. (https://grovebooks.co.uk/collections/ethics).
Terminal Gate
Jackie Rotter, reader at Good Shepherd Church, Loughborough for Evangelicals Now
5.0 out of 5 stars
Helping me understand helping others. A good guide for the carer and the dying. Much good in this book.
5.0 out of 5 stars Everyone needs this!
This is an excellent book that everyone should read before they need it. There is lots of unfussy clear advice about many issues that crop up when we face death. If you’ve ever felt tongue-tied when someone is dying or strugggling to cope with the loss of someone close, this book will help. There are four authors, of whom the main contributor is a doctor with years of experience as a cancer specialist.
Guild of Health
From triple helix - summer 2017
5.0 out of 5 stars
Helpful with such useful hints in what to do when somebody dies
Oxford Diocesan resources review
5/5 stars…
latter years who will inevitably face the death of loved ones. There are very useful practical tips about …
5.0 out of 5 stars Help on how to get ready for death
Excellent book for those facing death of a loved one, with excellent insights from a cancer doctor.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great insights.
Philip has much to share. Great insights.