Palliative Care: The Nigerian Perspective
Prayer of Cardinal Newman
Prayer of St Francis of Assisi
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn: Guide me O thou great Jehovah
Hymn: O thou who camest from above
Hymn: There’s a place where the streets shine
The Third Collect at Evening Prayer
Hymn: How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Chris Bowater)
Hymn: For ever with the Lord
Hymn: And can it be
Hymn: All for Jesus by William John Sparrow-Simpson
Hymn: Lead, Kindly Light
Hymn: The Lord’s my shepherd (Psalm 23)
A gentle passing
The In-Between: unforgettable encounters during life’s final moments
From ‘Bureaucracy adds to the pain of bereavement’
Advice on end-of-life caregiving
George Alagiah’s reflection on his cancer
After Cicely - Asian Women in Palliative care
Inspiring stories of Asian women in Mongolia and elsewhere engaged in local home based palliative care
Global Atlas of Palliative Care
This very comprehensive document by the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care alliance is free to download
Where to find more help - books and websites
Terminal Gate
At last, here’s a really accessible book about dying. Four writers with varied personal, pastoral and medical experience speak plainly and practically about all the various issues that surround death and dying.