Presentation: The Importance of Talking about Dying
Presentation by Dr Elaine Sugden at the Africa Christian Health Association Platform
Dying? The Need to Talk – New Book Hopes to End the Last Great Taboo!
Talking About Dying, now in its second edition, fully revised and updated, is newly published by Dictum Press, Oxford,
Advice on end-of-life caregiving
Terminal Gate
At last, here’s a really accessible book about dying. Four writers with varied personal, pastoral and medical experience speak plainly and practically about all the various issues that surround death and dying.
Resource booklet on Assisted Suicide
Earthquakes and sudden death
Our lives can be cut short at any time by all sorts of natural events, great and small: that word is simply, “Prepare to meet your God.”
Why assisted dying should not be a human right
It makes ‘death’ another treatment option and changes the way doctors think about care
The cruelty of assisted dying
Prue and Danny’s Death Road Trip presented a thoughtful and compelling case against legalised euthanasia.
Help for doctors
In 2018, the UK professional membership body The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) led a project for doctors on Talking about Dying – How to begin honest conversations about what lies ahead.
The Death of the Queen - a death at home
What a lovely way to die: at home, surrounded by her family, quickly and easily, without hospitalization, a peaceful slipping away into the everlasting arms of her heavenly Father, hers and ours.
Senior doctors recognised the need for Palliative Care 50 years ago
“Bill United”. How people can help
The Assisted Dying Debate in a Nutshell
Why is dying not seen as a diagnosis?
Audrey Chia explains why seeing dying as a diagnosis is important for patients at the end of life.
Assisted Dying Bill fails to go to a vote
Legalising Assisted Dying would be a slippery slope
Listen - by Dr Kathryn Mannix - reviewed
Review of book by Dr Kathryn Mannix
Choosing a care home where staff have skills to give great end-of-life care
Half a million people live in care homes and about a quarter of the UK population end their lives there. How can we ensure this vulnerable group of people live well and die well in care homes?
Why is there a taboo on talking about death and dying?
From sex being the great taboo in society fifty years ago, the great taboo now is talking about death and dying. Why?
Reflection on latest campaign to legalise Assisted Suicide
Reader responds: “Talking about dying is so very important”
In a Facebook response to an article on this web site, on 10th May 2021, Theresa, a reader, wrote
Please do let your loved ones know what you want to happen at the end of your life
Talking about dying is very important. So often people don’t discuss things until it is too late and it makes things so much more complicated.
Dying matters awareness week 10-16 May 2021
It really is worth talking about your own wishes and making some important decisions.