Terminal cancer patient raises funds for local hospice “which helps people find a peaceful end”

  • End of Life Care

A gentleman in York was diagnosed in March 2024 with a nasty cancer which had progressed to the point where the end is in sight.

Three months ago he undertook what he described as “one last stupid gesture” to raise money for his local hospice which helps people find a peaceful end and provides comfort and support for the entire family.

He wrote of his plan in this way:

"On Tuesday 10th September (2024) myself and son and daughter will jump out of a plane at 12,000 ft doing a tandem sky dive. My lovely wife Susan very wisely will have her feet on terra firma trying to get photos of tiny dots in the sky, that doubtless she will post on her Facebook page.

We are having to do this quite quickly as my condition is deteriorating a lot quicker than any of us would like."

His aim was to raise £5000. In the end, 233 people gave over £10,000.